Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blog 7

Dear Mississippi Music,

As a long time customer of both your stores here in Hattiesburg and Jackson I know customer satisfaction and quality are important to you. I have long recognized your commitment to providing quality services and products. I also know how important communication of any kind to your target audience is important. I'm sure you realize that consumers now have many choices available when purchasing music equipment and that each consumer over the years has become more intelligent with their purchases. The Internet plays a key role in product advertisement and target audience. Using the Internet to shop and make informed decisions about purchases is a common practice with most consumers. This is an especially common practice with todays economical standing: people want to get the best product for their dollar. It is my understanding that your company is a family owned and operated business and that individual attention and quality products are important to you. Thats why I am writing to you about your current website. I hope to help improve your websites appearance and attractiveness through a series of suggestions.

My first suggestion would be to change your main logo. The design is dated and looks like it has been around since the Internet was invented. A simple, clean logo would be more effective than the neon sign type font you are currently using. This font, to me, looks unprofessional and should be replaced with a simple logo. The next suggestion would be for your overall color scheme. There are over 8 hues of blue on your home page, all clashing together. It's true the light blue and black have a nice contrast, one might consider sticking to one or two hues of a color. The third suggestion I would make would be to update your navigation. It's obvious who ever built your website choose the fast way out with premade graphics. These could be replaced with a simple html table and plain text, reducing loading time and making it easier on the eye. The title of your page needs to be edited also, when the page loads the actual name of your html document is “Untitled Page”. This can be fixed with a simple <> < / title > tag in the header section of your code.

My final suggestion would be too include pictures of your store and maybe an actual catalog of products. With current technology a businesses website can automatically be updated by taking stock. This would open up a whole new revenue of online sales, reaching a whole new world wide group of consumers.

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