Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blog 5

For this blog we are suppose to create a progress report for our group project. A good way to start would be a simple explanation of what we plan to do. Our group project will be a small users manual for Adobe Illustrator with a concentration on the basic elements a student using the lab would need to effectively use the program. In this report I will cover what I consider to be important basic elements of Adobes Illustrator a student using the University of Southern Mississippi's creative writing lab. I have analyzed the past and future projects presented to us during the term of the semester and have selectively narrowed down what key features of this program can be utilized to effectively complete these project using Illustrator.
My personal work on this task has consist of creating the graphics and information for this project. No one in my group knows Adobe Illustrator so I have to provide the knowledge associated with the program. Although this is frustrating I feel it shows how helpful a manual could prove to be. I have done a good amount of research for this project and produced a few “hot key” graphics and explanations of the Adobe Illustrator tools located in the tool box. I plan to include a detailed explanation of each of these tools and possibly include graphical examples of the tools in use.
The work that has yet to be completed is a vast and hard to predict. The major concerns that need to be covered are the fact that I will be doing the vast majority of the work which will leave me unable to devote a large amount of attention on each of the functions covered in the manual. But looking past that, I know I need to devote a section to the basic tools and their sub categories. I will further research the brochure project and decide what tools would be the most useful for the design. I will also include manual on the file menus. This will include things like opening a project, printing a project, importing a picture, and other useful features.
In the next coming week I expect to have the majority of this project done. Including a basic design of and actual placement of information into the manual. This task should not be difficult with my prior knowledge of Adobe products. This knowledge helps me quickly come up with information and express information, and then quickly place the information on to a reader-friendly design.
Overall things are going relatively well. Other than time constraints and a little bit of a lack of help this project is piecing together and i hope that'll help future students in English 333.

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