Monday, September 14, 2009

First Blog

Well, I finally got my blog up. My laptop got a virus and died so it took me a while to be able to do anything but I finally got it all fixed, after a long, expensive, week with geeksquad. Unforutanetly Barnes and Nobles has yet to get my english book so I know I'm still behind on the pre/post tests. But yeah, on to the first blog.

My major is Administration of Justice. In this field i'm expected to know how to both read and write something as small as a police report to a full United States Supreme Court case brief. Both of these documents very in construction and length. It's very important in both these documents for the author to be clear and to the point. Police reports need to accurately describe something that has happened, because if information is left out it could mean freedom for the guilty on a technicality. Case briefs describe previous court rulings. These usually are very long and stacked with information. It's important to me that I learn how to both read them effeciently and effectively and write them clearly and to the point.

Writing has always been an important way for me to communicate, but writing with good grammar broke down when I became a regular internet user. I noticed after using things like facebook, the habit of capitalization and correct spelling went out the window. In high school I decided to concentrate on my writing so I took a few creative writing courses. These courses helped a little, but they were so stressed on busy work that I barely concentrated on it and didn't really improve. I'm hoping this class will inspire me to improve my writing.

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